Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Doctor's Visit

By the grace of God and my good friend Cheri, we were able to get an appointment with the leading adoption medicine doctor in our area. Our doctor was absolutely amazing and I am so grateful that she will be caring for Gabriella.

Somehow we almost missed our appointment. I had written the day down wrong on the calendar AND I missed the reminder phone call. Fortunately, they called my husband 45 minutes before our appointment. He tried to call me but my phone was temporarily misplaced. So, he was smart enough to call our daughter, who woke us up from our nap.

We were a few minutes late, but we were still given our whole hour.

A sedation MRI, from head to spine, was ordered. Cheri's bill for her son was $10,000 for that procedure. I am wondering what kind of deal I will get and whether or not she will get a referral bonus? :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I love to get little Mei Mei up in the morning because she wakes up as though the sun does... with a beautiful, contagious smile. It's as though the joy of the Lord is written all over her face.

She doesn't know who Jesus is yet, but someday, that joy will radiate because she has His love in her heart.

It's so easy to say each morning, "Good morning sunshine!"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guilty... Found in the Cupboard!

While Baba was working in the kitchen tonight, I was conversing with Gu Gu Kai's girlfriend in the other room. I stopped though when I heard some rustling. I knew Baba was walking back and forth to the garage... because he was on an organizing mission.

So, what was all the rustling?

Princess Mei Mei was in the cupboard with her hands in a bag of bread. I caught her red-handed... pulling a piece of bread out, taking a bite of it, and putting it back away. I told her she needed to put the bread away.

I then walked away because she was closing the cupboard door. I wanted to see what she would do. Within seconds, the dogs had joined her and she was back in the cupboard sharing her loot. Boy those dogs really love her!

Her Head Nods the OTHER Way!

We have been together for 3 weeks now. It truly has been so incredible to be part of a family that God knit together with a tiny red thread... thousands of miles a part... from east to west.

When we first met our little Princess Mei Mei, her head only nodded in one direction... the typical direction of a toddler. We had to teach her that her head can actually nod up and down as well.

As she has learned to nod her head in the other direction, we often find ourselves smiling (from the inside out), because it takes so much concentration for her to move her head in the "Yes" direction.

It's a new skill that our little one is learning. What a joy to help her along her journey!