Sunday, July 18, 2010

Forbidden Burritos!

We left Seattle, Friday, July 16th at 9pm with that amazing visa I flew to San Francisco for the day before. We arrived in Beijing. Spent the night in the airport with many others... with no opportunity to buy food the entire time we were there.

I packed an entire suitcase of snacks and baby food, and had dispersed them among the bags. It was a good thing. We nibbled on some of that HOPING that something would open up. We did get a miniature "mocha" coffee just before take-off. It was definitely miniature... maybe the equivalent of 3 shots. Oh how I wish one of their Starbucks had been opened.

My $15 Q'doba burritos were confiscated after getting our luggage at the Beijing airport. We had walked through "security" with them and was questioned.

There was no negotiating. But, it was rather hysterical to watch their faces as they pointed to my burrito and asked, "What dis?" When I told them, they made another funny face as they carefully unwrapped it. Though they treated it like it might have had a disease, I really thought they were eventually going to eat it right in front of me. "It meat?" Yes, I said... cooked meat. They told me, "forbidden!" I could not take it and walk 3 steps backward out of their "security" area.

I had been looking forward to eating that burrito for 12 hours. I wasn't happy, but I didn't want to end up in trouble. Someone later emailed me and said I was VERY LUCKY not to get fined. Geez! I need to be a little more careful.